
The industrial digital agenda and future technologies will be discussed at «ATOMEXPO 2024»

2024-03-25 15:55
At the International Forum «ATOMEXPO-2024», which will be held on March 25–26 on the federal territory of Sirius, there is a “Digitalization” track, within the framework of which a number of events are planned. The agenda of the track will be determined by issues of digital technologies in smart manufacturing, global trends in the development of information infrastructure, the use of quantum computing, as well as issues of digital sovereignty as a factor in balanced international competition in world markets. The state corporation will demonstrate its approaches to digitalization, successful digital projects, as well as digital solutions that can be used by industrial customers in Russia and abroad.

Rosatom’s digital events in the business program will bring together experts from the State Corporation, Russian industrial leaders and IT developers, government representatives and foreign guests.

The digital business track starts on March 25 with a fintech session “Digital Finance: a new economic reality in the context of the global energy transition,” which will discuss the impact of the development of digital financial assets (DFAs) and green financing instruments on business access to capital in a changing economic and investment landscape . Experts will answer questions about the future of the Russian DFA and green finance market, as well as the role of introducing digital technologies and green finance tools to ensure optimal financial solutions in business. The speakers of the session will be Ilya Rebrov, Deputy General Director for Economics and Finance of the State Corporation Rosatom, as well as representatives of Russian banks, the Moscow Exchange and Rosatom's foreign partners.

The digital business agenda will continue with the visionary session “Quantum Technologies: Synergetic Effects of the Future”, which is organized by Rosatom - Quantum Technologies together with the Russian Quantum Center. Advisor to the General Director of Rosatom State Corporation Ruslan Yunusov, as a moderator, will discuss with the session participants the impact of quantum technologies on the shape of the future. The key topic of the discussion will be the use of quantum computing in solving practical industrial problems - from optimizing logistics to modeling new materials. The speakers will also touch upon the implementation of interdisciplinary projects, including the use of quantum technologies to improve the quality of human life. Invited to participate in the discussion are: Director for Digitalization of Rosatom Ekaterina Solntseva, Professor of the Indian Institute of Sciences Arindam Ghosh, General Director of the Federal Center for Brain and Neurotechnology of the FMBA of the Russian Federation Vsevolod Belousov and others.

On the same day, the session “Trends in the development of information infrastructure: the experience of countries and businesses in a changing world” will be held, organized by the IT integrator of Rosatom - JSC Greenatom. Its participants will consider issues of creating sustainable infrastructure, ensuring technological independence in strategically important areas and developing human resources. The best practices of international cooperation in the IT field and the creation of new ways of cooperation in this direction will be discussed. The session will be attended by the co-director of the Chamber for Indo-Russian Technology Collaboration (CIRTC) Debjit Chakraborty, the head of the representative office of the Ministry of Science and Technology of Vietnam in the Russian Federation Nguyen Ngoc Anh, the director of information infrastructure of the State Corporation Rosatom Evgeny Abakumov and others . The moderator will be the president of the Russoft association, Valentin Makarov.

On March 26, a session “Digital Intelligent Manufacturing: The Reality and Future of the Data Economy” will be held, organized by Rosatom “Tsifrum” and dedicated to the digital transformation of high-tech industries in the context of digital sovereignty and the development of breakthrough technologies. Experts will discuss the first results of work on import substitution of digital solutions in Russian industry, and will also offer tools for the development and implementation of their own digital technologies, including industrial AI, in real production. A special role will be given to issues of global competition of Russian digital industrial solutions in world markets. Participants in the discussion will be Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Vasily Shpak, Vice President of PJSC Rostelecom Boris Glazkov, Director for Digitalization of the State Corporation Rosatom Ekaterina Solntseva, Rector of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI Vladimir Shevchenko, Scientific Director of the National Center for Physics and Mathematics Alexander Sergeev and others. The moderator will be the director of the ANO “Competence Center for Import Substitution in the Field of Information and Communication Technologies” Ilya Massukh.

On the same day, at the session “Unmanned Manufacturing: How Automation and Robotization are Transforming Global Business,” the transformation of high-tech industries will be discussed in the context of the introduction of elements of Industry 4.0, including automation, robotization and ERP solutions. Experts will discuss the prospects and technological features of implementation, approaches to government supervision of industrial programs, and the life cycle of complex projects. Particular attention will be paid to the synergy of automation and robotization, as well as the results of implementations, including the implementation of 4th generation nuclear projects. The discussion participants will be the CEO of China Techenergy Co. (CTEC) Sun Yun Bin, General Director of Rusatom Service JSC Evgeny Salkov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Shanghai Chaifu Robot Co. Yuri Chen and others. The moderator will be Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation Andrey Zarenin.

For reference:

«The international forum ATOMEXPO», organized with the support of the Rosatom State Corporation, has been held annually since 2009. This is the largest business and exhibition platform where leaders of leading industry companies and leading experts discuss the challenges of developing nuclear technologies, strengthen partnerships and exchange best practices. The forum format includes an exhibition and an extensive business program, the main topics of which are traditionally the development of nuclear energy as an environmentally friendly source of energy; human capital management; creation of nuclear energy infrastructure; energy financing and investment; development of non-power nuclear technologies and many others. The forum operator is Atomexpo LLC.

Russian industry faces the goal of ensuring technological sovereignty and the transition to the latest technologies in the shortest possible time. The state and large domestic companies are directing resources to accelerate the development of the domestic research, infrastructure, scientific and technological base. The introduction of innovations and new high-tech equipment allows Rosatom and its enterprises to occupy new niches in the market, increasing the competitiveness of the nuclear industry and the entire Russian industry as a whole.