
At «ATOMEXPO 2024» they will talk about the future of nuclear heritage sites

2024-03-25 16:30 25 March
On March 25, the International Forum ATOMEXPO-2024 will host a round table “Ecotransformation of heritage sites: overall contribution to socio-economic development and energy sustainability.”

The event will be attended by Russian and international experts, representatives of government bodies and science. Among the announced speakers are Vasily Tinin, Director for State Policy in the Field of Radioactive Waste (RAW), Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) and Decommissioning of Nuclear and Radiation Hazardous Facilities (DENRHF) of the Rosatom State Corporation; Deputy General Director - Director for Strategy, Tariffs and Investments of Rosenergoatom Concern JSC Alla Arkhangelskaya; IAEA Remediation and Environmental Programs Specialist Horst Richard Monken-Fernandez; representatives of state regulatory authorities of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Republic of Tajikistan.

The round table participants will discuss already implemented projects and plans for the restoration of heritage sites, as well as analyze the experience gained and evaluate the possibilities of giving a second life to the sites after they are brought to a safe condition.

The round table will be held in Hall No. 2 of the Main Media Center (Sirius Science and Art Park). Starts at 16:30.

For reference:

In the next decade, the number of shutdown nuclear and radiation hazardous facilities will increase. For such objects and territories, it will be necessary not only to bring them to a safe condition, but also to consider the possibility of further using their potential for the economic development of the regions.

The state corporation today is developing “green” areas not directly related to the nuclear industry: wind generation, hydrogen energy, production of electricity storage devices, electric propulsion technologies, hazardous waste management, additive and digital technologies, nuclear medicine. All these areas have a common denominator - ensuring a new quality of life for people and preserving the environment for future generations.

The ATOMEXPO International Forum is the main event of the global nuclear industry, the largest exhibition and business platform where the current state of the nuclear industry is discussed and trends for its further development are formed. Conducted since 2009. The forum is attended by heads of key companies in the global nuclear industry, government agencies, international and public organizations, and leading experts. The forum format includes an exhibition and congress with an extensive business program, the main event of which is the plenary session. Panel discussions and round tables discuss topics that are most important for the nuclear industry. Leading companies in the global nuclear industry and related industries present their technologies and competencies at the exhibition.

One of the priorities of the President of the Russian Federation and relevant departments is to increase the efficiency of natural resource management. Large domestic companies pay great attention to the implementation of projects in the field of environmental management. The Rosatom State Corporation, which produces electricity using low-carbon generation, is consistently taking steps to transition to a green economy. Nuclear workers are modernizing equipment that ensures the production of environmentally friendly energy, and annually spend hundreds of millions of rubles on environmental protection measures. Rosatom participates in projects to preserve biodiversity on our planet, is engaged in reforestation, cleaning river banks, and stocking reservoirs with fish. Initiatives in the field of ecology are becoming important areas of volunteer activity for employees of the State Corporation enterprises.