
At «ATOMEXPO 2024», Rosatom will present its scientific and technological contribution to the development of global thermonuclear energy

2024-03-26 10:00 26 March
Research in the field of plasma physics and thermonuclear fusion is aimed at solving global problems of providing humanity with clean and safe energy in the future.

On March 26 2024, as part of the International Forum «Atomexpo 2024», the Scientific Division of the State Corporation "Rosatom" (management company - JSC "Science and Innovation") will hold a panel session "Thermonuclear innovations for the green era: lifting the veil of the future."

The session's experts will be leading Russian and foreign scientists in the field of thermonuclear and plasma research. In particular, among the participants are the director of the Institute of Plasma Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Yuntao Song, the director of scientific and technical research and development of the State Corporation Rosatom Viktor Ilgisonis, the director of the private institution ITER Project Center (Rosatom) Anatoly Krasilnikov and others.

Participants will discuss the main issues related to the development of thermonuclear energy in the world, including contributions to the development of related disciplines, prospects for commercialization, legal regulation and others. Special attention will be devoted to the experience of international scientific cooperation in the framework of the implementation of national and international thermonuclear projects.

During the session, the Rosatom State Corporation will present a report on the contribution of Russian scientists to the project of the international experimental thermonuclear reactor ITER, as well as the results of research and development in the field of plasma physics and innovative plasma technologies within the framework of the federal project on thermonuclear and plasma technologies of the comprehensive program for the development of atomic science , engineering and technology (KP RTTN). In particular, the project to create a tokamak with reactor technologies (TRT) in Russia - an experimental facility that is being developed as a full-fledged plasma prototype of both a pure thermonuclear reactor and a thermonuclear neutron source for a hybrid reactor.

The session will take place from 10:00 to 11:30 in Hall No. 1 of the Main Media Center (in the Sirius Science and Arts Park).

For reference:

«The international forum ATOMEXPO» is the main event of the global nuclear industry. The largest exhibition and business platform where the current state of the nuclear industry is discussed and trends for its further development are formed. Conducted since 2009. The forum is attended by heads of key companies in the global nuclear industry, government agencies, international and public organizations, and leading experts. The forum format includes an exhibition and congress with an extensive business program, the main event of which is the plenary session. Panel discussions and round tables discuss topics that are most important for the nuclear industry. Leading companies in the global nuclear industry and related industries present their technologies and competencies at the exhibition.

The work of Rosatom's scientific division is related to the innovative development and technological leadership of the State Corporation. Among its main tasks until 2030 are increasing the competitiveness of Russian products and services in the nuclear energy market and in the field of radiation projects through the development of technologies and modernization of infrastructure, increasing the efficiency of ongoing research and development, and active commercialization of scientific results. The management company of the scientific division of JSC Science and Innovation coordinates the activities of ten scientific institutes and centers that conduct research in the field of nuclear physics, plasma and laser physics, hydrogen energy, nuclear medicine, new materials, adaptive optics, gas, hydro and thermodynamics , radiochemistry and many others.

Russian industry faces the goal of ensuring technological sovereignty and the transition to the latest technologies in the shortest possible time. The state and large domestic companies are directing resources to accelerate the development of the domestic research, infrastructure, scientific and technological base. The introduction of innovations and new high-tech equipment allows Rosatom and its enterprises to occupy new niches in the market, increasing the competitiveness of the nuclear industry and the entire Russian industry as a whole.

Press service of the Scientific Division of Rosatom