
At «ATOMEXPO 2024» they will discuss opportunities and challenges for the implementation of small energy solutions

2023-07-26 10:00 26 March
On March 26, as part of the XIII International Forum «ATOMEXPO-2024» in Sochi, a panel discussion will be held on the topic “Opportunities and challenges for the implementation of small energy solutions.”

Representatives of industry and international organizations, as well as foreign experts from China, Indonesia, Brazil and other countries will take part in the discussion. The session will be moderated by international expert Alexander Bychkov.

The discussion participants will talk about what innovative solutions are used during the design, construction and operation of low-power units, both land-based and floating, and about the possibilities of applying experience from implementing future low-power projects. How representatives of countries that are not technology vendors look at the various proposed solutions, and what the future awaits us with the growing number of SNMM projects in the world - all this will be the subject of conversation at the panel discussion.

The event will take place on March 26, from 10:00 to 11:30, in Sochi, on the territory of the Sirius Science and Arts Park (hall No. 6). Entry for forum participants is free.

For reference:

Low-power nuclear power plants (LNPs) are the optimal solution for a stable and environmentally friendly energy supply to consumers in hard-to-reach areas with weak network infrastructure. SNMMs have a number of advantages in addition to the traditional advantages of nuclear generation: compactness, modularity and shortened construction period. To date, most NPP projects are in the early stages of creation, but there are also already operating stations, in particular the Akademik Lomonosov floating nuclear power plant (FNPP).

The floating nuclear thermal power plant (FNPP, located in the city of Pevek, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug) is the only operating low-power floating nuclear power plant in the world, the northernmost nuclear thermal power plant in the world. Its launch in May 2020 was a real breakthrough towards ensuring sustainable development of remote territories of Russia. Floating power plant includes the floating power unit (FPU) "Akademik Lomonosov" with two KLT-40S reactor units, which is a source of electrical and thermal energy with a capacity of 70 MW and 50 Gcal/h, respectively, as well as onshore infrastructure, which is designed to provide thermal and electrical energy from PEB to consumers. In addition to generating electricity, the floating nuclear power plant produces heat in the city of Pevek, and in the future it will become a reliable source of generating light and heat for the entire region.

«The international forum ATOMEXPO 2024» is the main event of the global nuclear industry. The largest exhibition and business platform where the current state of the nuclear industry is discussed and trends for its further development are formed. Conducted since 2009. The forum is attended by heads of key companies in the global nuclear industry, government agencies, international and public organizations, and leading experts. The forum format includes an exhibition and congress with an extensive business program, the main event of which is the plenary session. Panel discussions and round tables discuss topics that are most important for the nuclear industry. Leading companies in the global nuclear industry and related industries present their technologies and competencies at the exhibition.

Russia is actively developing scientific cooperation with all interested countries. Despite external restrictions, the implementation of large international projects continues. Rosatom and its divisions take an active part in this work.