
A round table dedicated to non-energy applications of nuclear technologies will be held at «ATOMEXPO 2024»

2024-03-26 12:00 26 March
On March 26, 2024, at the International Forum «ATOMEXPO-2024», a round table “Food security and quality of life: non-energy applications of nuclear technologies” will be held, dedicated to the development of technology for processing products with ionizing radiation as an effective way to solve problems of food security and improve the quality of life of people. The event was organized with the participation of the Health Technologies division of the Rosatom State Corporation.

Invited to participate: Phan Viet Cuong, director of the irradiation center of the Vietnam Institute of Atomic Energy (VINATOM); Murat Kasimzhanov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Nuclear Technologies Park JSC (Kazakhstan); Artur Kolontaev, Deputy General Director for Development of the ICO of RHC JSC; Alexander Bryazgin, head of the laboratory of the Institute of Nuclear Physics named after. G. I. Budker of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (BINP SB RAS)"; Sergey Kuzmin, director of the VNTsG im. F. F. Erisman" Rospotrebnadzor, and others. The moderator will be Natalya Sanzharova, scientific director of VNIIRAE, Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

Discussion participants will share experience in the effective development of ionizing radiation processing technologies and discuss opportunities for joint work to strengthen the role of non-energy solutions of nuclear technologies in the development of the global economy.

The round table will be held on March 26 in hall No. 3 of the Main Media Center, starting at 12:00.

For reference:

Non-energy applications of nuclear technology are an integral part of life and contribute to the sustainable development of society. Various solutions in this product segment are used in areas such as agriculture, healthcare and industry.

The Health Technologies Division (JSC Rusatom Healthcare) accumulates the expertise of the Rosatom State Corporation in the field of healthcare. The company was created on the basis of Rosatom enterprises and institutes with the goal of comprehensive development of medical technologies in Russia and abroad. The Health Technologies division is developing in four main areas: comprehensive solutions for medicine; production and supply of isotope products (50 countries); equipment for diagnostics and therapy; solutions for ionizing processing of products.

The President and Government of the Russian Federation, relevant departments pay great attention to improving the level of healthcare and the availability of modern medical care. This is one of the significant factors in increasing the length and quality of life of citizens. Large Russian companies provide support for the comprehensive modernization of the healthcare system and the development of appropriate infrastructure. Rosatom and its enterprises take an active part in this work.