
«ATOMEXPO 2024» will discuss new opportunities for cooperation in the aviation industry

2024-03-25 14:30 25 March
On March 25, 2024, within the framework of the International Forum «ATOMEXPO 2024», the scientific division of the State Corporation Rosatom (the management company is JSC Science and Innovation) will hold a discussion “Aviation Horizons: overcoming the turbulence zone”, dedicated to trends and problems in the development of Russian and global aviation industry.

It is expected that the event will be attended by representatives of Russian airlines, aircraft manufacturers, federal and regional authorities, experts from the aviation complex and specialized educational institutions. The moderator will be the head of the executive committee of the Council for Professional Qualifications of Air Transport of the National Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Professional Qualifications, Anastasia Miroshnichenko.

The discussion participants will discuss the current challenges of the aircraft industry, as well as new solutions that are offered today by high-tech companies in various industries. In particular, Rosatom State Corporation will present its competencies and resources to develop solutions in the field of aircraft maintenance, production of aircraft components and components.

The discussion will take place from 14:30 to 16:00 in hall No. 3 of the Main Media Center (in the Sirius Science and Arts Park).

For reference:

The work of Rosatom's scientific division is related to the innovative development and technological leadership of the State Corporation. Among its main tasks until 2030 are increasing the competitiveness of Russian products and services in the nuclear energy market and in the field of radiation projects through the development of technologies and modernization of infrastructure, increasing the efficiency of ongoing research and development, and active commercialization of scientific results. The management company of the scientific division - JSC Science and Innovation - coordinates the activities of ten scientific institutes and centers that conduct research in the field of nuclear physics, plasma and laser physics, hydrogen energy, nuclear medicine, new materials, adaptive optics, gas, hydro and thermodynamics , radiochemistry and many others.

Earlier in 2023, Rosatom had already implemented a number of projects to import substitution of some components for foreign-made aircraft systems. Rosatom specialists have adapted air and water filters, which are produced for nuclear power plants, for use in systems (air recirculation, drinking water supply) of foreign-made aircraft. Multi-stage testing of the products confirmed their full compliance with the required technical and hygienic characteristics and the highest level of safety. The estimated service life of domestic filters exceeds those of foreign analogues by 20–25%, which makes them more cost-effective compared to previously used imported products. The production of filters is carried out on the territory of the Institute of Physics and Energy named after A.I. Leipunsky (SSC RF - IPPE, part of the scientific division of Rosatom).

Russian industry faces the goal of ensuring technological sovereignty and the transition to the latest technologies in the shortest possible time. The state and large domestic companies are directing resources to accelerate the development of the domestic research, infrastructure, scientific and technological base. The introduction of innovations and new high-tech equipment allows Rosatom and its enterprises to occupy new niches in the market, increasing the competitiveness of the nuclear industry and the entire Russian industry as a whole.