
Issues related to the environment of the nuclear industry will be discussed at the «ATOMEXPO 2024» forum

2024-03-26 15:21 26 March
On March 26, 2024, in Hall No. 3 there will be a panel discussion “Ecology of the nuclear industry: how is it understood in different countries?”

What is the ecology of the nuclear industry? Ecology in the nuclear industry has long been considered as a complex of various aspects. This includes ensuring safety (environmental, nuclear, radiation and other types of safety); this includes ensuring environmentally sustainable development of the industry, as a stable balanced technical, technological and socio-economic development while constantly minimizing the negative impact on the environment at a reasonably achievable low level; this includes the use of a scientifically based approach to making environmentally significant decisions; this includes the constant improvement of control and monitoring systems for the environment and radiation situation; this is an open dialogue and transparency of activities and many more different “This is...”. Is the view on the ecology of the nuclear industry the same everywhere? How are all these factors taken into account in different countries? After all, all components of the ecology of the nuclear industry are aimed at maximizing the preservation of the purity of nature, its biological diversity and rich resources for future generations, ensuring the stable development of the industry in the future.