The main large foreign customers of Rosatom want continued cooperation

All foreign customers of Rosatom for large infrastructure projects confirm their desire to continue working with the State Corporation. This was announced on Monday by Boris Arseev, Deputy Director of the Block for Development and International Business - Director of International Business of Rosatom.

“We operate in more than fifty countries. Among them, of course, are both unfriendly countries today and friendly ones. <…> All our customers, especially for large infrastructure projects, confirm their continuation,”

- said a representative of Rosatom, speaking in the Federation Council at the round table “Reorientation of the export of Russian goods to the markets of friendly countries.”

As Arseev noted, this fact is also influenced by the fact that these projects will continue to work for the benefit of the customer’s country and the reputation of Rosatom as a reliable partner.

He also emphasized the profitability of foreign orders both for Rosatom itself and for the country as a whole. “Today we have calculations already confirmed by the methodology that every 1 ruble invested, which goes to the construction of nuclear power plants abroad, brings 1.9 rubles into the economy of our country at the construction stage and 1.7 rubles at the operation stage,” - said Arseev. This happens, according to him, due to the fact that a large number of industries in the country are involved in this project.

“Even when there is interstate lending, most of this money remains in the country, and our enterprises use it,” said a Rosatom representative. This, in his words, is “the same non-resource export.”

“Therefore, we believe that such support for large infrastructure projects of Rosatom and other Russian companies should be continued. It is necessary to look for new additional financial instruments so that these are not short-term loans with a floating rate, but also such serious, convenient, long-term infrastructure loans with a small rate,” Arseev emphasized.

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