Active design work on Smolensk NPP-2 with investment of over 500 billion roubles to be launched in 2024.

The second nuclear power plant (NPP-2) is to be built in Desnogorsk, Smolensk Region, with design work beginning in 2024. Investments will exceed 500 billion roubles, said the governor of the Smolensk Region Vasily Anokhin during the Region’s day at the international RUSSIA EXPO at VDNH.
“I would like to note the gigantic scale of the project to be implemented by Rosatom of Russia for constructing NPP-2, a completely new nuclear power plant with the latest reactors. As Alexey Likhachev [head of Rosatom] has said, Smolensk will become an experimental site for nuclear energy in Russia. It will be created in Desnogorsk , one Smolensk Region city, a kind of nuclear VDNH, and specialists from all over the world will come for new knowledge and experience. Such a project is estimated at more than half a trillion roubles and, from next year, active design preparations for this large-scale project will begin," he said.
Anokhin added that implementation of this project would lead to development of construction and industry in the Region.

The Smolensk nuclear power plant is located near the city of Desnogorsk (Smolensk Region). Construction of the station began in 1975 and it was commissioned in 1982. The station operates three power units with RBMK-1000 reactors. Every year, the station produces an average of 20 billion kWh of electricity, which is more than 75% of the total electricity generated by energy enterprises in the Region.
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