Rosatom increased annual exports of isotope product supplies

2024-01-24 18:37
JSC V/O Isotop (part of the Health Technologies division) increased annual exports of isotope products by 15% by the end of 2023.

This is stated in the press service of JSC V/O Isotop, published on the website of Rosatom.

"The export growth was ensured by the concluded contracts with customers in Europe, Asia, Middle East and CIS countries, in particular, agreements with enterprises in China and India allowed to increase revenue in these countries by one and a half and three times respectively," the report says.

At the same time, the geography of supplies of isotope products has also expanded. After a multi-year break, a batch of Russian sources based on cobalt-60 was delivered to Middle East irradiation centres.

Uninterrupted supplies of Macrotech, a technetium-99 generator, to the Republic of Belarus and a Russian-made gallium-68 generator to the Republic of Kazakhstan were ensured.

Co-operation with Latin American countries has expanded. For example, in 2023, a five-year contract was signed with Brazil for the supply of medical products.

And from January 2024, clinics in the Republic of Cuba began receiving the first regular supplies of molybdenum-99 and iodine-131.
