“413 units have the status of operating and 58 units have the status of units under construction in the world. Such data are given in the PRIS database maintained by the IAEA”

2024-01-18 17:17
Reactor unit - APR-1400. Thermal capacity of the reactor - 3983 MW(t). Electrical capacity of the unit - 1400 MW(e) gross, or 1340 MW(e). The date of first concrete is 19 June 2013.

Thus, according to PRIS, South Korea has 26 operating nuclear power units and two under construction.

According to PRIS data, in 2023, five power units (in China, Slovakia, the USA, Belarus and South Korea) were commissioned worldwide, construction of five units (four in China, one in Egypt) was started, and five units were finally shut down (three in Germany, one each in Belgium and Taiwan).

The total number of reactor-years of operation of nuclear power units in the world is 19722.
