Rosatom will be the general partner of the 2024 World Youth Festival

2024-02-28 17:15
ROSATOM will be the general partner of the World Youth Festival 2024, which will be held from 1 to 7 March 2024 at the Sirius federal territory (Sochi, Krasnodar Territory). Rosatom was also awarded the status of "Clean Energy Supplier of the Festival", which emphasises its role in low-carbon energy production, both in the Russian Federation and in partner foreign countries.

About 20 thousand Russian and foreign young leaders in business, media, international cooperation, culture, science, education, volunteering and charity, sports, various spheres of public life, as well as teenagers representing various children's organisations and associations are expected to take part in the festival. In particular, foreign students of the State Corporation's supporting universities studying nuclear physics and related specialities will be guests of the festival.

The festival programme will focus on responsibility for the fate of the world, multinational unity, and family values. Rosatom representatives will take an active part in discussion panels and round tables organised within the career, environmental and expert tracks. Among the invited speakers are ROSATOM executives: Director General Alexey Likhachev, First Deputy Director General - Director of the Development and International Business Unit Kirill Komarov, Deputy Director General for Human Resources Tatiana Terentyeva, and others.

As part of the festival, Rosatom is implementing a large educational track in a number of topical areas. Participants of the event will hear a lecture by Alexey Likhachev on "The Russian Nuclear Industry and Global Challenges of Mankind", learn about educational and career opportunities in Russia in the field of nuclear specialities, as well as international cooperation in science and education at the discussion panels "Window to the Big World: Russian Energy Education" and "Global Cooperation in Education and Science: Developing the Potential of International Youth in the Modern World". During a meeting with Tatyana Terentyeva, they will learn about the prospects for the development of Rosatom's young professionals community. In addition, the festival guests will be able to take part in the session "Obninsk.Tech - International University of Technological Breakthroughs", where they will learn how to become a student of the university of the future and receive advanced engineering education. A lecture by Yulia Uzhakina, General Director of ANO Corporate Academy of Rosatom, "Discover the Future. Discover yourself".

In addition, participants and guests of the festival will be able to get acquainted with the technological achievements and developments of ROSATOM at its stand in the most innovative zone of the festival - "Terminal T". The exposition will show participants the world of Russian advanced technologies. The guests will be greeted by the art object "Iceberg", which will allow all participants to be transported to the harsh world of the boundless Arctic. Moving around the Iceberg, participants will learn about the Northern Sea Route, Russia's main sea artery, the development of which is entrusted to Rosatom.

Source: Communications Department of Rosatom State Corporation